Urban Farmer
Urban Farmer

Urban Farmer

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Starting a banana farm in Kenya can be a rewarding endeavor given the favorable tropical climate and growing market demand for bananas both locally and internationally. Here are some steps and considerations to keep in mind when starting your banana farm:
1. **Research and Planning*
- **Market Analysis* Understand the local and export markets for bananas. Identify potential buyers, such as local markets, supermarkets, and export agents.
- **Feasibility Study* Assess the viability of the banana farming business in your chosen location, considering factors like climate, soil type, and water availability.
2. **Location Selection*
- **Climate* Bananas grow best in warm, tropical climates. Kenya’s coastal and western regions, like Kisii and Meru, are particularly suitable.
- **Soil Type* Ensure the soil is fertile and well-drained. Bananas thrive in loamy soils rich in organic matter.
- **Accessibility* Choose a location that is accessible for transport of goods to market and receipt of farm supplies.
3. **Land Preparation and Planting*
- **Clearing the Land* Remove any existing vegetation and level the land if necessary.
- **Soil Preparation* Test the soil and amend it with organic matter and necessary nutrients. Ensure proper drainage to avoid waterlogging.
- **Planting Material* Use high-quality, disease-free planting material. Tissue culture banana seedlings are recommended for their high yield potential and disease resistance.
4. **Cultivation Practices*
- **Spacing* Proper spacing is essential for optimal growth. A common spacing is about 2.5 to 3 meters between plants.
- **Irrigation* Bananas require a lot of water. Implement an efficient irrigation system like drip irrigation to ensure consistent moisture.
- **Weed and Pest Control* Implement an integrated pest management system to handle pests and diseases. Regularly remove weeds to reduce competition for nutrients.
5. **Fertilization*
- **Nutrient Requirements* Bananas are heavy feeders. Regularly apply well-balanced fertilizers based on soil test results.
- **Organic Options* Consider using organic manure to maintain soil health and structure.
6. **Harvesting*
- **Timing* Bananas are usually ready for harvesting 8 to 12 months after planting. Harvesting is typically done when the fruits are fully developed but still green.
- **Techniques* Use sharp tools to cut the banana bunches to avoid damaging the plant.
7. **Marketing and Sales*
- **Local Markets* Establish relationships with local market vendors and grocery stores.
- **Export* If targeting export markets, comply with international standards and regulations, and build relationships with export agents.
- **Value Addition* Consider processing bananas into products like banana chips or flour to increase profitability.
8. **Financial Management*
- **Budgeting* Prepare detailed budgets for initial investments and ongoing operational costs.
- **Funding* Explore options for funding such as loans, grants, or investment from partners. Government agricultural loans in Kenya can be a viable option.
9. **Legal and Regulatory Compliance*
- **Licenses and Permits* Obtain necessary agricultural and business licenses from local government bodies.
- **Land Ownership* Ensure proper legal documentation for land ownership or lease agreements.
10. **Join Farmer Groups*
- Engage with local farmer groups or cooperatives to benefit from shared resources, training, and collective bargaining power.
Starting a banana farm requires careful planning and execution, but with the right strategies and dedication, it can be a successful agricultural venture in Kenya.

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Home-made organic pesticides should always be sprayed on crops during the cool part of the day (mornings or late afternoons) to avoid burning of your crops. 1. Garlic - Crush and mix with hot water- cool for 2hrs, then spray to control aphids.
2. Tithonia (Mexican sunflower) - Crush 2kg of leaves, soak in 4 litres of warm water for 2-3hours or in cold water for 2 days. Spray to control caterpillars.
3. Thorn apple (Datura stramonium) - Take 1kg of leaves, fruits and branch stems, - Crush and boil in 4 litres of water for 20 minutes and let it cool. Spray to control scale insects, aphids and leaf miner (Tuta absoluta).
4. Pawpaw leaves - Take 1 kg of green and fresh leaves, - crush and boil in 4litres of water for 20 minutes. Spray to control scale insects, aphids.
5. Wood ash - Get maize combs, burn them and dry the ash. This should be applied around the plants especially the transplanted vegetable seedlings, to control cut worms in fields where cut worms are a problem.
6. Hot pepper - Crush 500 grams of riped hot pepper fruits, mix with 5 litres of water, boil for 20 minutes. Sieve and add another 5 litres of water mixed with 50ml of any mild dish wash (non-detergent) soap - Spray to control ants (termites), aphids, flies, caterpillars.
7. Lantana camara - Get branches and leaves, burn to get the ash- broadcast in the field or affected area to control ants and worms

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SUGAR BEANS- Growing Tips
• Sugar Beans do well in warm seasons of the year. Optimum temperatures for growing are 15ºC to 27ºC.
• A well managed Sugar beans crop should yield 750kg - 1 ton per Lima.
• Deep well drained loamy soils will a pH range from 5.5 to 6 is ideal.
• Effective rooting depth is 60cm.
• Plough and harrow to a 60cm fine tilth seedbed.
• Sow directly 3 to 4cm deep at seed rates of 15 to 25kgs seed per Lima with 1seed / station.
• Space the plants at 5cm between plants and 60cm between rows to give a plant population of 330,000 plants /hectare.
• At planting apply Veg Mix A 30 gm /m2 (19 kg/lima) - Broadcasted.
• 21days from planting top dress using Veg Top 24 10 gm/m2 (19 kg/Lima) - Broadcasted.
• 35days from planting top dress using Veg Top 24 10 gm/m2 (19 kg/Lima) - Broadcasted.
• 49days from planting top dress using Veg Top 24 10 gm/m2 (19 kg/Lima) - Broadcasted.
• 63days from planting top dress using Veg Top 24 10 gm/m2 (19 kg/Lima) - Broadcasted.
• Weeds compete with plants for nutrients and space; they can reduce yields by more than 25%. Keep the field free from weeds at all times.
• Tall varieties must be trellised to keep them upright.
• Scout for pests and diseases once weekly, spray upon noticing disease or pest. Aphids, Leaf miner, Loopers, American Bollworms, Chafer beetles, Snails and Red spider mites are common insect pests while Rust, Blights and Root rot are common Beans diseases.

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1. Ecological Requirements
🔷Being a cool-weather vegetable, spinach can withstand the first frost of temperate climates.
🔷Temperatures ranging from 4 to 16°C are ideal for germination and growth. It can, however, withstand temperatures as low as -7 degrees Celsius.
🔷A well-draining loamy soil with a pH of 6.4 to 7.0 is ideal for spinach growth. It is vulnerable to excessively high pH levels and acidic soil.
🔷Even though spinach prefers full sun, it can still yield a substantial amount in partial shade.
🔷In hot weather, seeds germinate slowly or may not germinate at all. Additionally, heat causes plants to bolt (go to seed) which ruins the crop's flavor.
2. Planting & Cultural Practices
🔷Spinach is propagated solely by seed.
🔷Spinach is first grown in a nursery before being transplanted into the main field.
3. Nursery Establishment
🔷The nursery bed should be set up with one meter of width and the necessary length.
🔷Plant seeds in the bed at a depth of approximately one inch.
🔷Cover the seeds lightly with soil.
🔷Add a thin layer of dry grass (mulch) to the nursery bed.
🔷Water the nursery bed.
🔷Seeds germinate in approximately 5-7 days.
🔷Water seedlings regularly.
4. Transplanting
🔷After 4-5 weeks, when they have 3–4 leaves, seedlings are prepared for transplanting. However, this relies on the local ecological elements, such as temperature.
🔷It is best to transplant on a cloudy day or in the late evening when the sun low.
🔷Wet the seedlings an hour before removing them from the nursery. This prevents root damage.
🔷Choose a location with full sun or light shade and well-drained soil.
🔷Two to three weeks in advance, plow the ground to a minimum depth of eight inches and harrow the area.
🔷Prepare the raised beds. It is advised to use these for appropriate root establishment and drainage. Measurements for the beds should be 15 cm high, 1 meter wide, and roughly 100 meters long.

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◾️Soil analysis
Small-scale farmers seldom carry out a soil analysis of their land. For farmers planting a larger area, a soil analysis is certainly worthwhile. An analysis will show what nutrients are in the soil and what fertilisers are required. Irrespective of what this report says, you should apply nitrogen.
◾️If it is available, use cattle manure; it improves the structure of the soil, stimulates healthy growth, and provides macro- and micronutrients. Manure makes growing cabbages far easier. Apply 30 t/ha to 50 t/ha before preparing the soil. If no manure is available and you do not have a soil analysis to guide you, apply 600 kg/ha of 2:3:4 (24), broadcast it, and work it in.
◾️Soil Preparation
The soil preparation used in producing cabbages does not have to be very fine. Spacing will depend on what size head you require; wider spacing will produce larger heads sooner. The general rule is to space rows 60 cm apart. The in-row spacing should be 35 cm—slightly further apart for larger heads, a bit closer for smaller heads.
◾️Most important are the amount of nitrogen you apply and the timing of its application. The best form of nitrogen for most vegetables is NPK.
◾️First application: Administer this a week after transplanting. Ensure that it is applied close to, but not touching, the plants. The most efficient method of administration is probably by hand; use one handful of NPK for every 12 plants. NPK can also be applied through a pipe tied into the corner of a fertiliser bag that is rolled halfway down; walk down the rows with the fertiliser flowing out of the pipe, near the plants. If using this method, apply between 150 kg/ha and 200 kg/ha.
◾️Second application: Administer this two weeks after the first application; it does not have to be sprinkled as closely to the plants. Apply 200 kg/ha to 250 kg/ha.
◾️Third application: For the third application, use 250 kg/ha, two weeks later in summer or three weeks
