Teak Tree Specifications

Teak Tree Specifications and Cultivation Technologies

Origin: Indigenous to India.

Teak TreeTeak BarkTeak Leaves

Rotation: In natural forest, rotation is 100-120 years, in artificial regeneration it is 70-80 years and in coppice regeneration it is 40-60 years.

Climate and soil: Mostly occurs in monsoon climate, under tropical and sub tropical conditions. Sandy loam soil, 6-7 pH not exceeds 8.5 well drained.

Rainfall: 1000-1500 mm adequate and even less than 750 mm per year.

Spacing: 1.8x1.8 m, 2x2 m is generally initially applied. (Subsequantly  thinned in stages)

Teak FlowersTeak Fruits

Nursery practices: 50-60% germination percentage and 2.5 to 3 kg seeds are required to prepare one mother bed and derived 1000-1500 seedlings. Stumps are prepared out of seedlings that of 2.5 cm long, collar (2-3 cm) and 22-23 cm of tap root.

Planting: It is done in pre monsoon period which has high success. Square or line planting is done in 45-60 cm3 size pits for seedlings and for stump planting, 15 cm
diameter holes and 30 cm depth are prepared.

Plant protection

Important pest: Leaf defoliators (Hyblaea puera) and leaf skeletonizer (Eutectona machaeralis)

Important disease: Leaf blight (Rhizoctonia  solani) and fungal on fruits (Alternaria sp)

Special features: Presence of "Tectol" phenol in sap gives high resistance to sap wood rot and termites.

Uses: Timber value is superior, so called "King of Trees". It can be used for all purposes.

Yield: It yields a volume of 1.58 cum of timber per year per tree (increment)

#credit https://agritech.tnau.ac.in

Kayemba Richard

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