signs of heat in a sow

Signs of heat (estrus) in a sow typically appear when she is ready to mate. Here are the most common signs

  1. Increased Restlessness: The sow may become more active and agitated, seeking attention from other pigs.

  2. Swollen, Reddened Vulva: The vulva will often appear larger and more inflamed than usual. It can become red and slightly moist.

  3. Mounting Behavior: Sows may exhibit mounting behaviors toward other pigs, both males and females, as they are showing interest in mating.

  4. Standing Heat (Lordosis Reflex): One of the most obvious signs, where the sow will stand still and raise her back when pressure is applied to her back. This is a strong indication that she is ready for mating.

  5. Vocalization: Sows in heat may vocalize more, especially when they are near other pigs or boars.

  6. Increased Interest in the Boar: When a boar is nearby, the sow may become more focused and interested in his presence, sometimes sniffing or approaching him.

  7. Discharge: There might be a slight, clear vaginal discharge, which can indicate she is in heat.

The duration of estrus in sows is usually about 2-3 days, and mating is most effective when the sow is exhibiting strong signs of heat.


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