Ecological Requirements:
Common beans thrive in temperatures between 17.5°C and 27°C, with a sensitivity to temperatures above 30°C and night frost. They are best grown at altitudes between 600 - 2000m above sea level. A well-distributed rainfall of 300 - 400mm per crop cycle is necessary, while dry weather during harvest is crucial. Avoid drought and waterlogging.
Suitable Soil Types:
Common beans grow well in a range of soil types, from light to moderately heavy, with near-neutral pH and good drainage. However, they are susceptible to salinity. Ensure the soil is fertile and avoid waterlogged areas.
Seed Selection:
For high yields, always use good-quality seeds of the appropriate variety. It is recommended to purchase certified seeds from reputable companies, as they have almost 100% germination rates and are free from diseases. If using your seed, ensure it is uniform, free from seed-borne diseases and pest damage, and not shriveled, moldy, cracked, rotten, or discolored.
Land Preparation:
Prepare the land to a fine tilth 2-4 weeks before the onset of rains, allowing organic materials to decompose fully. Plowing can be done using hoes, oxen plows, or tractors.
Time of Planting:
Timely planting is crucial, and sowing should begin at the onset of rains after receiving a minimum of 30mm of rainfall.
Seed Rate and Spacing:
For sole crop planting, use a seed rate of 40-50kg/ha (16-20kg/acre) with 2 seeds per hill. Maintain a spacing of 45cm between rows and 20cm between plants. For intercropping with maize, plant 2 bean rows between maize rows at 15cm within the row, with 1 seed per hill.
Use Farmyard Manure (6-8 tons/acre) if the soil is low in organic matter. During planting, apply DAP fertilizer at a rate of 1/2 bag/acre (25kg/acre), thoroughly mixinwith the soil before covering the seed.
Inoculant for Nitrogen Fixation:
Consider using an inoculant like Bio-fix to enhance the beans' nitrogen intake from the air, resulting...

Otema Peterson

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